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Steinway & Sons
Original Manufacturer of this brand-name--Steinway & Sons.

Established--1853 by Heinrich Steinweg Sr, in New York, NY.

Other brand-names used by this manufacturer--

Other manufacturers of this brand-name--
Source: Pierce Piano Atlas, 12th Edition (2008, Larry Ashley Publisher, Albuquerque, NM).

Note: To obtain the age of your piano and details about the manufacturer, click: Pierce Piano Atlas--"the world's most authoritative publication on piano manufacturers, past and present." To learn how a piano works and how to go about buying one, we encourage you to purchase The Piano Book.
53" Steinway Upright #48977
Mahogany cabinet. Built in 1883 by Steinway, New York. Reconditioned and refinished in 1990 (soundboard repairs, new strings and pins, new hammers). Improved by Ray's Piano Service in 2004.
Recondition action—Clean, tighten action screws, replace defective parts.
Complete Regulation—
All adjustments to ensure that piano plays like new. Tune to A-440.
Cabinet repairs, refinish fallboard and bench—
Tighten cabinet screws. Repair cabinet as needed. Install new rubber buttons. Install new fallboard decal. Refinish fallboard. Repair bench veneer, refinish bench.
5'10 Steinway Grand, Model "O" #152143
Satin ebony. Built in 1912. Partially rebuilt, reconditioned, and refinished in 1985. Improved by Ray's Piano Service in 2006.
Complete cleaning--strings, sound board, action, keybed. Replace keytops with fronts. Make keystop rail. Tighten action screws, reshape hammers, complete regulation for improved touch and consistency in playing.
Recondition--Rebush pedal lyre components to reduce pedal noise. Re-install loose keyframe stop block.
Regulation--Regulate sustain, sostenuto, and shift mechanisms.
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