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For helpful suggestions on the care of your piano, click: is a very useful web site for quality reconditioned and rebuilt pianos. Click:
Over 1500 new and used pianos
from the world's finest manufacturers
To purchase a copy of "the most authoritative publication on piano manufacturers, past and present," including an introductory statement about each brand-name, and listings of serial numbers and years of manufacture, click:
Pierce Piano Atlas 12th Edition.

To obtain the age of your piano and details about the manufacturer, click: Pierce Piano Atlas - How Old is My Piano

If you're encountering difficulty locating the serial number of your piano, click: Pierce Piano Atlas - Finding the SN.

The Piano Book by Larry Fine is "a must for anyone interested in buying a piano." This book reviews and rates new and used pianos, teaches you how a piano works and how to buy one, and much more. To purchase a copy of this book and/or of its annual supplement, click:The Piano Book.
Ray Klapwyk is a "Registered Piano Technician" member of the Piano Technicians Guild. For information about the PTG and about RPT qualifications, click:
Modern Piano Moving Company of Sullivan, Missouri, is a reputable national moving company specializing in door-to-door piano deliveries. They will gladly estimate the cost of moving a piano to or from your home. For more information about them, click: Modern Piano Moving: